The Best Barefoot Shoes For Children | Xero Shoes Review | Kids Prio

By Elly McGuinness

My favorite barefoot shoes for kids

Welcome to my review of the Kids’ Prio from Xero Shoes. Yup, Xero Shoes now offers kids barefoot shoes, and I’m excited to share my first barefoot kids shoes review. As an experienced holistic fitness coach, I’m a big fan of the barefoot philosophy and natural movement in general. Keep reading to find out all about why the prio could be your best choice for barefoot shoes for kids. Alternatively, watch my video review below.

I’ve been wearing barefoot shoes myself for several years. I knew from the start that I wanted to be able to offer my girls the chance to be able to move and play freely without being restricted by rigid footwear.

If you’re looking for zero-drop kids shoes, the kids’ Prio is the first style of barefoot shoes for kids from Xero Shoes. They’re also offering the Z-Trail sandal in kids’ sizes, which we haven’t tried yet.

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[Check the latest prices on the kids prio at Xero Shoes].

Why we love these barefoot shoes for kids

Like all Xero Shoes, the Kids Prio has a flexible sole to allow kids feet to bend and flex naturally. It also has a wide toe box to allow them to easily get their foot into the shoe and to ensure their toes can spread naturally. My daughter has been enjoying all her favorite outdoor activities in the kids’ Prio such. These include climbing trees and fences, running and walking barefoot style, playing in the playground, and just generally being wild and free.

What does she think of them? Well, she was happy they had the purple trim on offer. She was also stoked that they look pretty similar to mom and dad’s Terraflex shoes. However, she would like them more if they came in her favorite color, pink. She’d also be very happy if there were some matching ones that her little sister could fit!

barefoot shoes for kids-prio-xero shoes-Ayla climbing tree

The soft sole on the kids’ Prio has got a little bit more grip and a little bit more flexibility than the adults’ Prio. Xero Shoes have really worked on getting the fit just right for children. And it’s been pretty cool to watch her learn to tie her shoelaces with the kids’ Prio, even if the process did cause her many frustrations!

If you’re looking for minimalist shoes for kids and you want an option that doesn’t require you or your kid to tie up laces, you’re in luck. Xero Shoes offers those special drawstring laces (“lock” laces) that don’t require tying. These are perfect for little kids because they’ll be able to get in and out of them quickly and easily. You can trim the lock laces down as much as you need to in order to get the right fit.

[Check the latest prices on the kids prio at Xero Shoes].

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Xero Shoes kids prio sizes and prices

The Prio barefoot kids shoe sizes start from a U.S. kids’ size 12 and go up to a youth size four. So they don’t have barefoot shoes for toddlers yet. We’ll look forward to seeing how the range grows over time.

The kids’ Prio is currently retailing at $69.99. Although the kids shoe market is full of cheap shoes, many of those aren’t going to offer the quality and durability that I know I’m getting with Xero Shoes.

And as any parent knows, kids outgrow shoes very quickly. Xero shoes have very awesomely set up a Facebook group. In it, you can arrange to buy from or swap with other parents who have Xero kids’ shoes that their kids have grown out of.

So I’m loving these Prio kids minimalist shoes. I’m a big advocate for natural movement and I’m grateful to have this barefoot shoe option for my daughter. The Prio offers the protection she needs when it’s going barefoot isn’t ideal. This fab little shoe simply makes it easy for her to keep doing all the fun stuff that she loves doing.

[Check the latest prices on the kids prio at Xero Shoes].

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More barefoot, Minimalist Xero shoes reviews

If you’re also looking at barefoot, minimalist footwear in grown up sizes, check out my other Xero Shoes reviews below:

Are you considering purchasing the prio youth barefoot shoes? Has your kid already tried them? Are you looking at another style of minimalist kids’ shoes? Join the conversation, and leave any questions or comments below!

[Check the latest prices on the Kids Prio at Xero Shoes].

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Elly McGuinness


  1. Itzel Fernandez Camacho

    Loved this article! Thanks for the information. It’s exactly what I needed.


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