11 Awesome TRX Leg Exercises for a Great Lower Body Workout and Stretch

By Elly McGuinness

TRX leg exercises are an excellent way to build strength, improve balance, and increase mobility in the lower body. These exercises use suspension training to challenge the body with functional movements that target the leg muscles while engaging the core for stability.

One of the key benefits of TRX leg exercises is that they can be adapted to suit any fitness level. From beginners to advanced athletes, there are exercises that can be modified to accommodate different ranges of motion and strength levels.

Some common TRX leg exercises include reverse lunges, single-leg squats, and curtsy lunges. These exercises not only target the main leg muscles, such as the quadriceps and glutes, but also engage the core and challenge the body’s balance.

To perform TRX leg exercises, start by adjusting the suspension trainer to a suitable height and position. From there, you can begin with basic exercises like squats and lunges before progressing to more challenging exercises like pistol squats.

By incorporating TRX leg exercises into your workout routine, you can strengthen your leg muscles, improve your balance, and enhance your overall fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced exerciser, TRX leg exercises offer a versatile and effective way to target the lower body and build a strong, functional physique.

Read on to learn about a range of TRX lower body exercises you can try today.

(This post includes affiliate links for which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase)

TRX suspension trainers currently retail between $229.95 and $289.95.

Check out the latest prices and the full range of products and accessories at the official TRX store.

TRX Leg Exercises for muscular strength and endurance

The first seven exercises focus on building strength, stability, and mobility in your lower body. They use natural movements and targeted exercises for an effective lower-body workout.

1. TRX Squat

The TRX squat is an excellent exercise that targets the leg muscles while engaging the entire body, making it a great addition to any full-body workout routine. This exercise primarily targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes but also activates the core and challenges upper body mobility.

To set up for the TRX squat, adjust the suspension trainer to a suitable height. Stand facing the anchor point with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the handles, palms facing inwards. You can turn your feet slightly outwards or adopt a wider stance if that’s right for you. Keep your elbows bent and directly below your shoulders. This is your starting position.

Sit your hips back like you would if you were sitting down into a chair. Allow your arms to move forward naturally, and ensure you maintain tension on the straps. As you lower your body into the squat, focus on keeping your weight evenly distributed between your feet and maintaining a strong core.

Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and then drive back to the top by pushing through from your feet and hips. Ensure your knees follow the direction of your feet, avoiding any inward or outward collapse. You can help achieve this by squeezing your buttocks as you push back to the start position.

Keep your core tight throughout the entire movement, actively engaging your abdominal muscles.

For an extra challenge, you can increase the difficulty by performing single-leg squats using the TRX. This variation requires greater stability, balance, and strength in the working leg.

Incorporating TRX squats into your leg workout routine not only helps build strength in the lower body but also improves overall stability and core muscle engagement. Challenge yourself and reap the benefits of this effective and functional leg exercise.

2. TRX Glute Bridge

The TRX glute bridge is a powerful exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. It’s an effective way to improve lower body strength and stability.

To perform the TRX glute bridge, start by adjusting the suspension trainer to a suitable height. Lie on your back with your heels in the foot cradles of the TRX straps. Keep your arms relaxed by your sides, your spine neutral, and your shoulders back and down. Lift your hips off the ground, pushing through your heels, until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Focus on squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement to engage the target muscles effectively. Keep your core tight, and avoid overarching your lower back. Ensure that your shoulder blades stay in contact with the ground throughout the exercise.

To return to the starting position, lower your hips down slowly and with control. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

For an additional challenge, you can perform single-leg TRX glute bridges. Simply lift one leg off the ground and perform the exercise using only one leg at a time. This variation further engages the glutes and hamstrings while improving balance and stability.

Remember to maintain proper form and control throughout the entire movement. Gradually increase the range of motion and resistance as your strength and fitness level improve. Incorporate the TRX glute bridge into your workouts to develop strong glutes, improve hip mobility, and enhance overall lower body strength.

3. TRX Reverse Lunge

The TRX reverse lunge is an excellent exercise that targets the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. It also engages the core muscles for stability and balance.

To perform the TRX reverse lunge, start by adjusting the suspension trainer to a suitable height. Stand facing the anchor point and hold onto the TRX straps with your hands. Your arms start in a relaxed position in front of you with a slight bend in your elbows.

Take a step back with your left foot and lower your body into a lunge position, making sure your right knee stays aligned with your ankle. You can squeeze your buttocks to help with this. Keep your chest lifted throughout the movement.

As you push through your right heel and return to the standing position, focus on engaging the muscles in your right leg. Continue the movement by stepping back with your right foot and lowering into a lunge with your left knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Alternatively, you could repeat one set of repetitions on one leg before switching sides.

Maintain a strong core throughout the exercise and avoid leaning forward or backward. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your chest open. For an extra challenge, add a knee lift when returning to the standing position. Bring your back knee up towards your chest before stepping back into the lunge again.

The TRX reverse lunge is a versatile exercise that can be customized to suit different fitness levels. It helps improve lower body strength, stability, and mobility while activating multiple muscle groups at once. Incorporate this exercise into your workout routine to enhance your leg strength and overall fitness.

4. TRX Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

The TRX rear foot elevated split squat is a challenging exercise that primarily targets the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. It also engages the core muscles for stability and balance.

To set up for the TRX rear foot elevated split squat, adjust the TRX to a suitable height. Stand facing away from the anchor point and place your back foot in the strap of the TRX so it sits on the front of the ankle joint.

The stability comes from your standing leg on the floor, and you might feel a bit unbalanced with your back foot in the strap. Keep your spine long and your stomach muscles strong. Focusing on an unmoving point ahead of you will also help you balance.

Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders relaxed throughout the exercise. Lower your body by bending your standing knee and lowering your hips back and down towards the ground, keeping your right knee aligned with your ankle. 

Push through your standing foot to return to the starting position, engaging the muscles in your leg and glute. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions before switching sides.

Avoid leaning forward or backward, and watch your knee alignment throughout the exercise. Keep your gaze forward throughout the movement.

The TRX rear foot elevated split squat is an excellent exercise for building lower body strength and improving balance and stability. Incorporate it into your fitness routine to add an extra level of challenge and effectively target your leg muscles.

5. TRX Side to Side Lunge and Step Side Lunge

The TRX side-to-side lunge targets multiple muscles in the lower body, including the adductors, abductors, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles. This exercise also engages the core muscles, contributing to overall core strength and stability.

To begin, adjust the TRX to a suitable height. Stand facing the anchor point with your feet wider than hip-width and hold onto the TRX straps with your hands, palms facing inward, and elbows bent.

For the side-to-side lunge, bend one knee and allow the hips to drop back. You should have one knee bent and one straight. Keeping your body low, shift your weight straight across to the other side without coming up in the middle. This will help challenge your leg muscles more. If you find it too challenging, you could allow your legs to straighten in between each repetition.

Ensure you maintain good knee alignment and keep your core muscles strong. Your spine should be long and straight, with your head in line with your spine. Both feet should stay planted throughout the exercise.

The step-side lunge is a progression exercise that requires more strength and stability. Begin with your feet just slightly apart. Take a step to the one side, dropping down into the side lunge position. Use the power from your leg and glute muscles to push you back to the start position. Repeat on the other side, and continue to alternate for the desired number of repetitions.

Throughout both variations, focus on maintaining a strong core and keeping your weight evenly distributed between both legs. Avoid leaning forward or backward, and keep your chest lifted and shoulders relaxed. Aim for a full range of motion in your lunges, ensuring your knees stay aligned with your ankles.

Incorporating the TRX side-to-side lunge or step-side lunge into your workout routine will not only target your leg muscles but also contribute to improved functional movements and overall fitness levels.

6. TRX Pistol Squat

The TRX pistol squat is an excellent exercise that focuses on the leg muscles, particularly the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It is an advanced single-leg exercise that requires significant balance, strength, and stability. It’s essentially a single-leg squat where you’ll lower almost to the ground with the support of the TRX.

To perform the TRX pistol squat, you will need to adjust the suspension trainer to a suitable height. Stand facing the anchor point and hold onto the TRX straps with your hands. Your shoulders should be back and down, with your body upright and your arms comfortably extended down in front of you.

Lift one leg off the ground and extend it forward. Slowly lower yourself down into a squatting position while keeping your lifted leg extended in front of you. Your arms will come up in front of you as you squat down, maintaining the strap tension. 

As you lower, aim to achieve a full range of motion by lowering your hips as close to the ground as possible. Maintain control and balance throughout the movement. Push through your heel to rise back up to the starting position and repeat on the other leg. Your knee should stay above the ankle joint throughout.

It’s important to remember to keep your chest lifted, shoulders relaxed, and your gaze forward during the exercise. This will help maintain proper form and technique.

The TRX pistol squat is easier than a standalone pistol squat. The support of the TRX helps you maintain your control and balance on challenging single-leg exercises like this. Use your arms to help balance yourself, but ensure you’re not putting the work into your arms by using them to pull yourself up. 

Incorporating TRX Pistol Squats into your leg workout routine will not only challenge your muscles but also improve your balance, stability, and overall fitness level.

7. TRX Crossing Lunge (aka Curtsey Lunge or Curtsey Squat)

The TRX crossing lunge, also known as the curtsy lunge or curtsy squat, is an excellent exercise for targeting the leg muscles and improving overall lower body strength. Specifically, it primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, making it a great addition to any leg workout routine.

You’re really going to feel this one in your glutes!

To set up for the TRX crossing lunge, attach the TRX to a sturdy anchor point and adjust the strap to mid-length. Stand facing the anchor point with your feet just slightly apart. Hold the handles of the TRX straps in each hand, keeping your elbows bent and upper arms alongside your body and tension in the straps.

Begin the exercise by crossing your left foot behind your right leg, crossing at mid-calf level. It’s like a reverse diagonal lunge. As you cross your left foot diagonally backward, bend both knees to lower your body into a lunge position until your back knee is close to the floor. Your arms will naturally extend in front of you as you lower, but remember, they’re just there to help you stabilize yourself, and you shouldn’t be extending them the whole way.

Then, push through the heel of your front foot and step your back foot into the start position.

How to Progress Your Curtsey Lunge

You could alternate on each side or make it more challenging by repeating all your repetitions on one leg before switching to the other side.

You could also progress this version by adding a single-leg jump as you return to the start position. The plyometric element requires more power and makes this an advanced-level exercise.

Want a different challenge? Try the curtsey squat without touching the back foot down. Let it hover just off the ground and feel the burn!

During the TRX crossing lunge, it’s important to focus on keeping your chest lifted, core engaged, and shoulder blades pulled back and down. Maintain control throughout the entire movement and be mindful of proper form and alignment. Your hips should always remain square to the front. It doesn’t need to be a huge diagonal movement, so don’t overdo it and, instead, focus on movement quality.

Remember to adjust the range of motion based on your fitness level and gradually progress as you become more comfortable with the exercise. Practice proper technique and consult with a personal trainer if needed to ensure safe and effective execution of the TRX crossing lunge.

TRX suspension trainers currently retail between $229.95 and $289.95.

Check out the latest prices and the full range of products and accessories at the official TRX store.

TRX Leg Stretches

TRX leg stretches are an excellent way to improve flexibility and mobility in your lower body. Here are a few to incorporate into your fitness routine. Try them as part of a cooldown after your workout.

8. Standing Hamstring and Adductor Stretch

Start by attaching the TRX at mid-calf height. Stand facing the anchor point and extend one leg forward, placing your foot inside the cradle. Hold onto the TRX straps with both arms bent in front of you.

Allow your front leg to move forward, taking you toward a front split position. You can let your back heel lift off the ground and ensure you keep your foot facing forward. Extend forward until you feel a good stretch in the back of your front leg. Keep your arms bent and strong to support your body, and ensure you only stretch to the point of tension, not pain.

Your upper body should remain upright throughout. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, focusing on breathing and relaxing. Then, return to the start position before going straight into the adductor stretch without removing your foot from the strap.

For an adductor (inner thigh) stretch, adjust your start position so you begin with the TRX strap to your side. Your foot is in the cradle, as it was for the hamstring stretch. Let your leg move to the side, and feel the stretch through your inner thighs. Hold for 30 seconds, then release.

Repeat the hamstring and adductor stretches on the other side.

9. TRX Kneeling Quad Stretch

The TRX kneeling quad stretch targets the quadriceps and hip flexor muscles along the front of the thighs.

To perform the TRX kneeling quad and hip flexor stretch, attach the TRX straps at mid-calf height. Begin by facing away from the anchor point and kneeling down on the ground. 

Step one foot forward so your front foot is flat on the ground and your front knee is bent to 90 degrees. Place your back foot in the foot cradle of the TRX strap, keeping your back knee on the ground. Hold onto the TRX handles with both hands over your head with your elbows bent behind you, ensuring the straps have tension.

With an upright posture, lean your body weight slightly forward, stretching the quadriceps and hip flexor of the leg in the foot cradle. You can pull forward on the TRX straps to help increase the stretch.

Ensure your front knee remains over the front ankle. You don’t need to lean forward much. Another way to feel the stretch better is to tilt your pelvis under and draw your hips forward slightly. You can also try squeezing your buttocks to notice how the stretch changes.

Throughout the exercise, maintain an upright position with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body. Remember to breathe deeply and relax into the stretch. Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds, allowing your muscles to release gradually. Repeat on the other leg.

The TRX kneeling quad stretch is an effective way to improve flexibility in the quadriceps and hip flexors. 

10. TRX Calf Stretch

Begin facing away from the TRX anchor point. Hold one strap in each hand and fully extend your arms straight out in front of you. 

Take a step forward, keeping both feet facing the front. Allow your arms to bend back behind you so that your hands move in close to your armpits. Bent into your front leg while keeping your back leg straight and your back heel on the ground.

Hold for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side.

Alternatively, keep the stretch more active by holding just for a couple of seconds before switching sides and repeating 10 repetitions on each side.

11. TRX Glute Stretch

This exercise primarily targets the glute muscles, including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

Stand facing the anchor point and hold onto the handles with both hands. Make sure the straps are secure, and there is tension in them.

Place one foot just above the knee of the opposite leg. Let your top knee drop out to the side as you lower your hips back and down into a squat position. Sit your hips as low as you comfortably can and keep allowing your top knee to drop down to the side. Ensure your hips remain square to the front throughout.

Your upper body should remain straight, and your arms extend up in front of you to help with balance and stability. Keep your shoulders back and down.

Hold for 30 seconds before lifting back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

The TRX glute stretch is an excellent way to target and stretch your glute muscles, helping to improve flexibility and mobility in the hips. Incorporate this stretch into your routine to enhance your overall lower body flexibility.

TRX Leg Exercises and Stretches | In Conclusion

In conclusion, TRX leg exercises and stretches are an excellent way to improve lower body strength, flexibility, and mobility. Incorporating these exercises into your routine can help reduce the risk of injury and provide you with a great full-body workout.

The 10 awesome TRX leg exercises included in this article will target various muscles of your lower body, allowing you to stretch out tight muscles and strengthen weak ones. Give these a try and feel the difference!

Looking for more? Check out these awesome TRX back exercises and these effective TRX chest exercises, which we know you’ll love.

If you’re looking for other types of workouts, try this full-body stretch routine, this efficient jump rope workout, or these top ideas for low-impact workouts. Finally, busy people will love these mini workouts, which are easy to incorporate into any lifestyle. Plus, learn how to be successful with your at-home workout routine.

TRX suspension trainers currently retail between $229.95 and $289.95.

Check out the latest prices and the full range of products and accessories at the official TRX store.

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Elly McGuinness


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