Fitness motivational quotes to help you kick your goals

By Jay Cellier

Today Jay Cellier shares with you some of his favorite quotes of fitness motivation to inspire fitness success. Read on for gym quotes, workout quotes, and general motivational quotes for fitness to give yourself a little boost to get today’s workout done! Elly xx

Quotes of fitness motivation

Whether you’re just starting to work out or if you’ve been working out for years, we can all benefit from a little pick-me-up of motivation. Quotes of fitness motivation can give you some added inspiration to get out there and push on with your fitness goals.

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Sometimes, we lose the motivation to lose those next few pounds, wake up early in the morning to go for a run or keep pushing through the painful reps in the weight room. But we know that exercise is important. So we do it anyway.

Working out when you’re motivated makes it all so much easier. If you’re in the need of a pick me up, here are some of the best quotes of fitness motivation to help you accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Some of the most inspiring quotes of fitness motivation

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Just because you may not look like you can do what you’re doing in the gym, that doesn’t mean you’re physically unable. Mental power is the most important part of a workout.

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t pretend that you do and, and some point, you will.” – Venus Williams

“It’s going to be a journey. It’s not a sprint to get in shape.” – Kerri Walsh Jennings

If you’re not seeing progress at the beginning, don’t get discouraged. It takes weeks, months and sometimes even years to see results. But once you push through to the end, your determination will be what leads you to the body you always dreamed of.

For further inspiration, these 26 growth mindset quotes will guide you along the path of continuous improvement so that you can break through your barriers when the going gets tough.

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” – Unknown  

If you are enjoying these fitness goal quotes but you want to take things a bit deeper, you can access Elly’s full seminar below on “motivational tips for success“. This the the full length, one hour seminar that she did to help people with both their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. And you can watch it for free! Otherwise, scroll down below the video for more fitness goals quotes:-)

“No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.” – Unknown

“I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.” – Muhammad Ali

The only way we get stronger is by breaking apart muscle that is then rebuilt. The pain you feel is the muscles tearing and stretching – but in a good way. If you were to stop before you felt the workout working, you won’t be able to see any results.

Are you working hard enough? Check out these quotes about fitness goals…

“Making excuses burns zero calories an hour” – Unknown

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Sweat is fat crying.” – Unknown

(How’s that for one of the most short and sweet inspirational weight loss quotes!)

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky

If you don’t take the risk or push yourself to get back in shape, there’s no chance you will ever be able to accomplish your dreams. If you want to feel or look healthier, go for it. There’s no time to waste and no decisions to regret.

Let’s take a look at even more inspirational workout quotes…

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” – Tommy Lasorda

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” – Thomas Jefferson

More workout motivational quotes

“I will beat her. I will train harder. I will eat cleaner. I know her strengths. I’ve lost to her before but not this time. She is going down. I have the advantage because I know her well. She is the old me.” – Unknown

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali

If you’re stuck living day by day or workout by workout without changing your diet or regimen, there’s no way you’ll be pushing yourself far enough to see results. Treat every day as your last.

“Nothing will work unless you do.”- Maya Angelou

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

When we make mistakes, we can’t dwell on them. Take the lessons you learn and analyze what you may have done wrong. Make adjustments and better yourself as a person and athlete. Let’s look at a few more motivational quotes on fitness…

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale.

“Everyone starts somewhere” – Unknown

“Every step, every pound, every rep… counts.” – Unknown.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson.

Fear not…and check out some more great fitness goals quotes to inspire fitness success!

Don’t be afraid of what you have to face. If you are determined to make improvements, recognize your own strengths and use what you have to accomplish the impossible.

“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Fitness is like a relationship. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.”- Unknown

“Your body is a temple, treat it as such” – Unknown.

“Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.” – Sasha Cohen

Becoming a fitter person isn’t just about working out at the gym. You also have to live a balanced life full of healthy and nutrient-rich foods and plentiful sleep. Let’s look at some more fitness motivation quotes to help drive you forward for success.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.” – Marvin Phillip

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryin

Fitness motivation quotes like these may be the kick-starters of your fitness journey, but it’s up to you to keep pushing yourself to become more fit every day. A motivational quote for fitness can give you a little added boost to push forward and strive for the results you are after.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

“Of course it’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great.” – A League of Their Own

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Quotes about fitness goals: Consistency is so important

Just because you may do something once that doesn’t make you the master. Proving yourself by repeating your feat will not only add to your success, but it will help you set new goals, improve as an athlete, and suffice as new workout motivation.

“Rome wasn’t built in one day, but it was worked on every day.” – Unknown.

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.” – Gene Tunney

“The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit.” – Morihei Ueshiba

“The human body is the best picture of the human soul” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

quotes of fitness motivation

My final favorite quotes of fitness motivation

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else. . . It’s about being better than you used to be” – Khloe Kardashian

“You need to put what you learn into practice and do it over and over again until it’s a habit. I always say ‘Seeing is not believing. Doing is believing.’ There is a lot to learn about fitness, nutrition and emotions, but once you do, you can master them instead of them mastering you.” – Brett Hoebel

“The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy”  – Kenneth H. Cooper.

Ready to put all these exercise motivation quotes into action? It’s all very well to read all these motivational quotes about fitness, but now it’s time to take some action! Grab your FREE bodyweight workout pdf and get into it!

“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.” – Max de Pree

While at first glance, this may not seem like an exercise motivation quote, when you look at the bigger picture, it is. We all came from different backgrounds, experiences, and starting points.

When we go to the gym or start a diet to become healthier, it doesn’t matter who you are. The important thing is the effort you put in. When other people judge their peers trying to better themselves, it can discourage an athlete in training.

Everybody is unique, we need to learn to embrace each other and help each other grow, physically and mentally.

“Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise.” – Frank Ocean

What are your favorite quotes of fitness motivation?

Working out is almost never easy, and it never should be. To change our bodies, we need to push ourselves through the pain and soreness. Once we do that, we can become stronger than ever before.

We all start out somewhere, it’s important to not become discouraged because you may be out of shape or overweight at the beginning of your new life of fitness.

As some of these workout motivation quotes taught you, fitness is about bettering yourself, and to do that, you must cherish the small milestones and work hard.

With your newfound motivation from these inspirational fitness quotes, there’s no time to waste! Head over to the gym and get your work-out on!

What are your favorite quotes of fitness motivation or fitness goal quotes? We’d love to hear about what you resonate with in terms of motivation quotes (fitness-specific) so please leave a comment in the box below to tell us yours!

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Jay Cellier


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