Today I’m super excited to share this post about ultra marathon training from Deepak Shukla. Running, and also simply escaping into nature has always been a long time passion of mine so I was keen to read about Deepak’s experiences with ultra running so far.
Even though I haven’t been a runner for the past couple of years, I know it’s something that I’m going to love getting back into when the time is right for me personally, and for my family life.
So even if you don’t see yourself as an ultra runner just yet, check out these ultra marathon training tips from Deepak, which can be applied no matter what stage you’re at. They can also be used to inspire you and to help you understand what you too are capable of. Elly xx
If you haven’t got time to read the full post now, here’s the low down:
How to Train For an Ultra Marathon
- Set up an appropriate plan for your nutrition
Focus on natural and nourishing whole foods
- Vary your training
Include intervals, long slow distance, and cross-training
- Replicate the hills
Make sure your program prepares you for the terrain you will face on race day
- Include resistance training in your program
As part of your cross training plan, include muscular endurance based resistance training exercises
- Develop and maintain a growth mindset
Gather a support crew, track your progress, and enjoy the journey
Ultramarathon training & healthy holistic living
Ultra marathon training isn’t just about preparing physically. I have come to learn that adopting a more holistic approach to ultra marathon training has:
- Enhanced my performance.
- Boosted my fitness levels.
- Improved my ability to manage stress effectively.
- Encouraged me to focus on my diet and ensure I get the correct nutrition
- Helped me to actually enjoy my ultra marathon training.
By holistic approach, I mean I use my ultra marathon training as an opportunity to actively work on improving mentally, physically and emotionally – which has had positive spillover effects in other areas of my life and increased my overall wellbeing.
For example, during ultra running training, you develop the ability to ‘keep going’ over sustained periods of time without stopping. When you transition this into your work and general life – it can make you feel invincible.
In this post, I will share with you my ultra marathon training plan, so that you can get the most out of your ultra training. Firstly, I’ll briefly share my ultra-marathon experiences, before outlining my top 5 tips for ultra marathon training.
My Ultra Marathon Training and Experiences
So far I’ve completed four ultra marathons:
How to train for an ultra marathon-Deepak ultra running-pinnable image
- The Brecon Beacons, Wales (65km – trail)
- St Illtyds, Wales (56km – trail)
- Novara, Italy (50km – trail)
- Madeira, Portugal (115km – trail)
Becoming more mindful has massively increased my ultra marathon training. I now take a more holistic approach to prepare my mind and body. I do everything I can to make sure that I enjoy the ultra training process and keep things in line with my desire for healthy holistic living.
I’ll never forget my first ultra marathon. I distinctly remember being at the start line and feeling an overwhelming sense of unity with the group of runners with who I was essentially about to go on a great adventure.
During all of my ultramarathons I’ve always experienced a moment, that is really quite hard to articulate. It usually happens whilst I’m galloping down a hill or a mountain. I just find my ultra flow state and I lose the sense of all thinking – and it’s all about feeling, as the wind rushes by and I pick up momentum. A profound feeling of pure peace takes over.
In this post, I am going to share 5 tips to incorporate into your ultra marathon training plan.
Ultra marathon Tip #1: Create An ultra marathon training diet to Complement your Ultra Marathon Training
When it comes to your ultra marathon training diet, you don’t need to embark on any FAD diets or take a concoction of synthetic supplements.
It is vital that you consume a balanced ultra marathon training diet filled with natural whole foods that will nourish your body and help you to perform at your optimum.
I find it useful to eat smaller meals regularly throughout the day, so I’ll have 4-5 smaller meals instead of 3 large meals.
As well as eating meals packed with protein, whole grain carbs and lots of veggies, I would also drink pure cherry concentrate and beetroot juice for extra nutrition whilst training.
During your ultra training, it’s a good idea to take the foods that you are planning to eat on the day of the ultra.
Think of every meal as an opportunity to nourish your body from the inside out, or as a way to fuel your body so that you can feel powerful when you train. [Find out more in “Nutrition for runners – before, during and after running“].
Ultra marathon Tip #2: Vary your Ultra Marathon Training

They say variety is the spice of life! When it comes to ultra training, you’ll want to mix up your training to keep it challenging, engaging and fun!
Some form of cross training is also important to help minimize the issues that can come with lack of variety in your training schedule.
I like to do 4-hour bike rides, 2 hours of rowing and 2 hour runs.
Interval training is also very useful I tend to do interval training running 3 times per week. Ideally your run training plan should consist of interval training where you include various spurts at a faster speed than race pace, as well as long slow distance runs.
My machines of choice at the gym are the:
- Rowing machine (21km regularly)
- Exercise bike (75-100km regularly)
- Stair climbing machine (20 mins to 1 hour regularly)
Varying your ultra training will help to give your knees the rest they need to work over the long term.
Ultra marathon Tip #3: Replicate the Hills
Research the distance and terrain of the ultra event. Ultimately, you’ve got to set aside time to get in the miles in preparation for race day.
To prepare for the distance, it’s useful to psychologically get used to the time needed is important. One way to do this is to just be outside for the same period of time – so we did a 24-hour walk – we thought it would be easy but it was actually surprisingly hard.
If you can’t get out to the hills often enough – a problem that I had living in the middle of a city – then it might be the case you need to replicate the hills. This is where the stair master in the gym becomes your friend.
High tempo stair climbing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prepare for hill climbing.
Ultra marathon Tip #4: Incorporate Strength and Conditioning Training into your Ultra Training Plan
Navigating hilly terrains will require muscle, so it’s a good idea to do some form of resistance training to strengthen your muscles – this will help to support you as you run.
Here are a few other reasons why you should incorporate weight training into your ultra marathon training:
- Ultra running has a strong muscular endurance component
- The stronger your muscles are, the less likely you are to get injured.
There are a range of exercises that you can add to your ultra training program including:
- Squats for the lower body – I like to do 100 squats by my bedside every other evening.
- Press-ups for the upper body
- Wall sits for leg endurance
- Russian twists for strengthening your core
- Trigger point exercises to help you prepare for and recover from workouts
Check out the free bodyweight workout program below to get started with resistance training (aka strength training). Three progression levels from beginner to advanced are provided for each exercise.
Ultra marathon Tip #5: Develop and Maintain a Growth Mindset
Training for ultra marathons is no easy thing to do so building up the mental stamina is a challenge all within itself. Relentless forward progress consists of much more than an effective physical training program.
Therefore, it is important for ultra runners to build a supporting infrastructure:
- Engage friends and family on some training runs
- Keep some kind of online log to track your progress
- Ultimately elicit positive feedback loops to keep you ‘in the game’. It’s important that you celebrate your growth.
Adopting a growth mindset will help you to embrace the challenges you face during your ultra training and to remain persistent.
It sounds cliché, but don’t only focus on the end goal. Put all your focus on the process and enjoy every step of the journey.
Ultra marathon training: In conclusion

Getting into ultra marathon running has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for my physical health, mental strength and happiness.
Don’t get me wrong – of course, ultra marathons are hard, and there are times in which you want to just forget the whole thing! However, if you just push through, stick to your ultramarathon training plan and build up your endurance level, it always proves to be worth it in the end.
One final bit of advice is to make sure that you pack your ultra bag a few nights in advance to make sure that you have everything you need on the day.
Before you put your kit together double check if there’s anything in particular that you are required to bring with you.
Also before the day of the ultra marathon, make sure that you have checked that your backpack is comfortable and that you can easily access everything you’ll need throughout the run.
So with all that said, really do take your ultra marathon training as an opportunity to not only enhance your physical strength, but to also improve your mental strength, and refine your diet.
Good Luck with your ultra marathon training!
Are you interested in training for an ultra marathon? Do you do them already? Is it in the future plans for you? Drop us a line below to let us know – we’d love to hear from you!