7 Best Plant-Based Protein Powders

By Beth Rush

Those on certain plant-based diets must work harder to get sufficient protein. For example, vegans and vegetarians who don’t include seafood, dairy, or eggs run a risk of deficiency, and plant-based protein powders can fill the gap.

Consuming all the amino acids you need without eating meat is possible, but trying to do so through food can make you feel like you need a nutrition degree and strain your grocery budget. 

These powders take the guesswork out of getting the right balance of amino acids, and you don’t have to stick to shakes — although they’re undoubtedly convenient in a pinch. Finding the right ones can be challenging, but this guide will help you select the best brand for your unique needs.

(This post includes affiliate links for which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase)

Why and when to use plant-based protein powders

Even though vegans and vegetarians might consume plant-based protein powders the most, they benefit everyone. For example, over a quarter of Americans skip breakfast, which can create health problems, especially if they work through lunch, too. Adding a scoop can substitute as cream in a hastily grabbed coffee or tea, providing the nutrition and calories they need to function throughout the day.

Other uses of these powders besides supplementing a vegan or vegetarian diet include:

  • Prepping: Many plant-based protein powders have long shelf lives, making them excellent to have on hand for easy nutrition during emergencies.
  • Camping, hiking, and backpacking: Carrying a lot of food in your pack weighs you down and may attract unwanted wildlife. Packets of protein powder you can mix with filtered water don’t add extra pounds to your back frame.
  • Parents of picky eaters: Your kid may turn up their nose at tuna or lentils, but few children refuse a glass of chocolate milk made from a healthy plant-based protein powder.
Plant-based protein powders come in several flavors and chocolate is always a win for picky eaters

How to use plant-based protein powders 

Most people use plant-based protein powders as a nutritious shake. For example, busy new moms returning to work may only get 30 minutes for lunch, during which they might have to pump. 

Having an easy, grab-and-go nutritious shake you can drink at your desk replenishes your body with the nutrition it needs to feed your baby without taking up extra time. 

However, shakes aren’t the only use for protein powders — you can use them in recipes, too. For example, many people stir a scoop into their morning oatmeal or use their plant-based protein shake to replace milk in their cereal. 

You can also substitute your shake for milk when you bake — a healthy alternative for vegans and non-vegans alike. Stir flavor-free powders into soups, sauces, and dressings for an easy nutritional boost.

A person holding a protein shake in front of them

Can plant-based protein powders upset your stomach? 

Some people experience gas and bloating when they use plant-based protein powders, which could result from several factors. Many such formulations contain fiber, and suddenly increasing your intake can cause temporary tummy upset if you previously lacked it in your diet. Such symptoms typically clear up within a week, and you should start to feel the benefits, like staying fuller longer.

However, pay attention if your symptoms last a week or more — the issue could be the variety of protein powder you chose. Even if you don’t have celiac disease, you may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which causes stomach trouble when you ingest wheat products. If your supplement primarily contains wheat or wheat gluten, try switching to a gluten-free pea protein formulation that doesn’t include the troublesome ingredient.

Plant-based protein shakes come in several flavors, including strawberry

7 best plant-based protein powders to add to your shopping list

Which plant-based protein powders deserve a spot on your shopping list? Here are seven to try as you search for that perfect flavor.

1. Nuzest Clean, Lean Protein

Nuzest’s Clean Lean Protein comes in several flavors, including chocolate, coffee, vanilla, and wild strawberry. It also offers innovative serving choices, from single sachets to a 2.5-pound pack. On busy mornings, add a single-serve size to your tea as a milk alternative and fill yourself with goodness as you head out the door.

Nuzest contains all nine essential amino acids. It’s also a natural source of iron, encouraging muscle recovery and growth.

[Purchase Nuzest Clean Lean Protein through my affiliate link to get 15% off your order!]

Nuzest also makes a fantastic greens powder that supports several aspects of health. Read my Nuzest Good Green Vitality review here.

2. Garden of Life Organic

What sets the formula apart is its two billion probiotic microorganisms that restore your intestinal microbiome while nourishing you with plant-based protein. Your microbiome is the colonies of good bacteria you need in your gut. They do everything from making neurotransmitters to aiding digestion. However, they deplete over time due to poor diet, trauma, and antibiotic or alcohol use.

This formula has all the good stuff you want with none of the questionable ingredients you don’t. It’s gluten, soy, and dairy-free and contains no added sugars. It’s certified USDA organic, non-GMO Project verified, and NSF-certified for sport. Garden of Life is the perfect plant-based protein powder for athletes and those looking to fine-tune their performance in other arenas.

A delicious looking berry-based smoothies on a desk in front of a book

3. Truvani

If you prefer to stick to pea protein over whey, Truvani is an excellent choice. It’s also a great formula for those who don’t eat all the fresh, green veggies they know they should. 

Their Protein + Greens formulation includes peas, spinach, kale, broccoli, banana, broccoli sprouts, mung bean sprouts, quinoa sprouts, and alfalfa sprouts. That’s a hefty dose of chlorophyll and other nutrients associated with leafy greens.

This formula is USDA-certified organic, non-GMO project verified, certified vegan, and gluten-free. Those qualities make it a terrific choice for those with various food sensitivities and dietary restrictions.

A person drinking a protein shake from a plastic container

4. Kannabu

Kannabu sources its vegan protein from pure hemp seeds. Its signature, low-temperature preparation process preserves the most nutrients and flavor without harsh chemical extractors.

The protein offers an optimal balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to benefit brain health and reduce body-wide inflammation. Kannabu also contains plenty of fiber to keep you full and multiple vitamins and minerals, all in a form that’s easy to stir into your morning oatmeal. 

A strawberry-flavored protein drink with fresh strawberries in front of the glass

5. Sprout Living 

If you like to launch sneak nutritional attacks by disguising your protein powder in various recipes, the Sprout Living formula is for you. Unlike most plant-based protein powders, it’s flavor-free and won’t alter your favorite meal’s taste. Simply blend it with whatever milk the recipe calls for before adding it, or sprinkle a bit into salad dressings, soups, and sauces.

This formula is certified USDA organic, non-GMO project verified, certified vegan, and gluten-free. Its protein comes from peas, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sacha inchi, cranberry seeds, and Jerusalem artichoke.

A berry based fruit protein shake, with fresh fruit in the background

6. Nutiva 

Look no further than Nutiva if it’s a hemp seed plant-based protein powder you seek. Hemp is an enormously beneficial plant with dozens of uses. Increasing demand could ramp up production, which would benefit the green building trade while supplying you with protein.

Nutiva is Whole 30 approved, vegan, and gluten-free. It’s also certified USDA organic and non-GMO project verified.

An overhead view of a strawberry protein shake with fresh strawberries around the glass

7. Vega Protein and Greens

The company that produces Vega Protein and Greens is a certified B corporation. These entities adhere to higher standards of transparency and advance environmental and social causes, putting stakeholders above shareholders in order of precedence.

This keto-friendly protein powder is vegan-certified and non-GMO project-verified. It’s gluten-free, with only four grams of net carbs, making it appropriate for people monitoring their intake.

A chocolate shake with chocolate protein powder sitting on the top

Tasty plant-based protein powder recipe

If you want a tasty grab-and-go recipe for your plant-based protein powder that sticks to your ribs more than a shake, try these energy bites:

  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • ⅓ cup plant-based protein powder
  • 3 – 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon chia or hemp seeds
  • ¼ cup mini chocolate chips 

Stir the peanut butter, maple syrup, water, and vanilla extract before adding the remaining ingredients and blending well. Scoop out the dough and roll it into balls, placing them in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

If your kids love eating cookie dough, try sneaking these into their lunchbox. The taste and texture are similar, but you can feel good about what you feed them.

Adding protein powder to bliss balls is an alternative to protein shakes

The Best Plant-Based Protein Powders 

Plant-based protein powders fill an important nutritional gap for many. They’re extremely useful for vegans and others on strict diets that eliminate many animal products, helping them get the full range of amino acids necessary for health.

These conveniently packaged superfoods are also handy for anyone on the go. Select your favorite from the above list of recommendations and experiment with new plant-based protein powder recipes today.

[Purchase Nuzest Clean Lean Protein through my affiliate link to get 15% off your order!]

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Beth Rush


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