9 Healthy Fat-burning Foods to Support Weight Loss

By Beth Rush

There are many natural weight loss foods you can include as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Whether you want to lose weight for health reasons or to feel more comfortable in your skin, you should never dangerously restrict your foods or rely on harmful products like detox teas. Instead, eat these healthy foods for weight loss that’s holistic and permanent.

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What Counts as a Healthy natural weight loss Food?

Many products at your local grocery store will have “healthy” on their labels. How can you tell which are good for you?

The best natural weight loss foods use organic ingredients or whole foods to boost your health. It’s always good to consult with your doctor if you’re unsure about something on your grocery list.  

You can also decide which products are best for your weight loss goals by asking questions like:

  • Does the ingredient list begin with chemicals or fillers?
  • Is the product free of added sugars?
  • Does the food have any fiber?

The answers will point you in a different direction if your intended purchase doesn’t support a healthy lifestyle. You can also search for any unknown ingredients on your smartphone while in the grocery store to avoid items that will hinder your weight loss.

natural weight loss foods-quinoa and vegetable dish in pan.

What Are Healthy Foods for Weight Loss?

Add these fat-burning foods to your weekly meal plan to kick-start weight loss. They’ll fuel your body and keep your metabolism going while satisfying your hunger. 

1. Whole Eggs

Eggs are natural sources of cholesterol, so some people don’t eat them to avoid health complications with their hearts. Recent research shows they only increase cholesterol levels minimally for those trying to lose weight.

Add them as a breakfast food or salad topping to boost your metabolism with each egg’s healthy fats and protein. Both factors are the reasons why eggs are healthy foods for weight loss.

Natural weight loss foods-whole egg, asparagus, and tomato dish with pesto sauce and parsley garnish

2. Sweet Potato Fudge

Your progress might come to a halt when you’re craving something sweet. Replace your ice cream or brownies with sweet potato fudge when that happens.

Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, which reduces your daily calorie intake by keeping you full long after meals. They’re also naturally sweet. It’s the perfect sugar substitute for comprehensive health benefits and weight loss.

Parents can also share this fat-burning food with their kids. All you have to do is combine the mashed sweet potatoes with pineapple juice and cocoa to satisfy your sweet tooth without jeopardizing your weight loss or dental health.

Sweet potatoes and parsley ganish-use to make fudge as a tasty natural weight loss food.

3. Salmon

Fish is another of the best healthy foods for weight loss, especially if you’re eating more salmon. The filets contain healthy fats that provide your brain and metabolism with energy. Try baking or grilling salmon to find which cooking methods you prefer.

If you still feel lost on your journey to a healthier diet, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has many free resources that make weight loss easier. The department’s portion sizing guide and food pyramid will show you how much salmon you can eat daily without overdoing it.

Fat burning foods-salmon and green salad

4. Kale

You might not think about kale while picturing fat-burning foods, but it can be a powerful tool in your diet toolbox. It has thylakoid compounds that manage appetite naturally while the fiber keeps you satisfied.

Try adding it to vegetable sautees to minimize its bulkiness. The kale will shrink with the heat and easily combine with any meal you have planned.

Healthy meal of pork, kale, and apple on a plate

5. Chicken Breasts

Protein will reduce your blood sugar levels to prevent cravings, but it doesn’t always come from healthy sources. Ground beef can be too high in calories and fats to promote weight loss, so start making recipes with chicken breasts.

The breasts are low in fat while staying high in protein. It’s one of the best healthy foods for weight loss because you can prepare it in numerous ways and add it to recipes without compromising your calorie intake.

Nourishing weight loss meal with chicken, pasta, salad, and vegetables

6. Pinto Beans

Adding carbs to your diet may seem unhelpful while eating more natural weight-loss foods, but the right carbohydrate sources can help. Pinto beans are an excellent example.

Beans are fat-free protein sources that contain complex carbohydrates. Your body will exert more energy to digest them, causing your metabolism to work longer. You’ll burn more calories without spiking your blood sugar or overexercising. 

7. Avocados

Avocados could be a secret weapon on your new list of fat-burning foods. They contain monosaturated fats that reduce inflammation that creates weight gain, especially for individuals who are already overweight.

Add avocado slices to your salads, breakfast burritos, soups, or slices of toast. They could jumpstart your metabolism as long as you stick with an appropriate portion size for your weight and lifestyle.

avocado as a natural weight loss food-cut in half and held in person's hand

8. Cottage Cheese

Fat-free protein is the best foundational ingredient for weight-loss recipes. Cottage cheese is an excellent source. It can replace expensive protein powders in shakes or meats on your salads to add a new flavor while keeping your protein intake high.

fat burning foods-cottage cheese and fruit snack

9. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best natural weight-loss foods. It uses medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) to give your body natural energy, rev your metabolism, and burn more calories. It’s a tasty ingredient in many meals and comes in a refined version if you want it to be flavorless.

Ways to Eat these Healthy natural weight loss Foods

It can feel challenging to eat better when you’re stuck making the same recipes every week. Consider these options to vary your meals and keep things interesting.

Make More Smoothies

Investing in a blender extends your meal and snack options. You could make nutrient-dense smoothies to support your health goals by blending vegetables and fruits with protein sources like yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein powder.

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You could drink your breakfast on the go or make one as a snack. They only take a minute to make and work well on a budget.

Try a Sautee

Anyone can sautee sliced vegetables. They soften due to healthy sauces and heat, shrinking in the process. It will be easier to eat more vegetables like kale and spinach without feeling too full.

Bake a Casserole

Casseroles don’t have to include unhealthy fats and carbs. You can also make them with ingredients like sweet potatoes, chicken, and other weight-loss-friendly foods. Pick a main ingredient, and you’ll find numerous recipes to try.

Potato and vegetable casserole in a round oven dish.

Stuff Your Chicken Breasts

If you’re tired of chopping chicken breasts, slice them into pockets instead. You could fill them with butter, herbs, and spinach to create delectable meals that don’t add pounds to your frame.

Create Fun Salads

Salads are always an option for anyone who wants to lose weight. Sugar-free dressings will add flavor to your favorite ingredients.

Look up recipes that include foods like beans, fruits, and vegetables. Mix a few toppings into your bowl, and you’ll have a fun option for every meal.

natural weight loss foods-mixed salad with lettuce, radish, cherry tomatoes, carrot, cabbage, and carrots with dressing jug to the side of the bowl

Start Using Spinach Wraps

Some people don’t enjoy the taste or texture of whole spinach leaves. You can still benefit from their fiber and nutrients with spinach wraps.

The green tortillas are available at most grocery stores. They’re low-carb alternatives for anyone on a weight-loss plan who still wants their favorite breakfast, lunch, or dinner burritos.

Enjoy Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

Anyone can start eating these healthy foods for weight loss and see better results. Working with your doctor and adding these natural nutrient sources to your diet will make you feel better while losing unwanted pounds.

If you enjoyed this article, you may be interested in these five foods that improve circulation for better brain health. You can also check out these healthy and delicious golden berries recipes.

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Beth Rush


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