9 Best Myofascial Release Tools for Easing Muscle Tension

By Elly McGuinness

Self-myofascial release offers a great at-home option for increasing blood flow to and releasing tension from sore muscles. Although professional massages can be a welcome solution for tight muscles and amazing relaxation, it’s not always practical or budget-friendly to see a massage therapist regularly. That’s where myofascial release tools such as massage guns or even a simple, humble tennis ball can be a welcome and effective alternative. This post explores some of the best massage tool options on the market today.

(This post includes affiliate links for which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase)

What are myofascial release tools used for?

A myofascial release tool is a specific instrument designed to loosen tight connective tissue (fascia) around the muscles. This can help increase blood circulation and relieve muscle pain. A systematic review of myofascial therapies found that myofascial release tools can be helpful for improving joint range of motion and muscle recovery without decreasing muscle performance.

Myofascial release tools are often used for workout preparation and to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness after and in between workouts. Loved by many physical therapists, they can also be used for self-myofascial release at home.

Also called trigger point release tools, trigger point therapy (tp therapy) and myofascial release aren’t exactly the same thing. Myofascial massage usually focuses on a larger muscle area and takes a gentler approach to releasing soft tissues. Trigger point therapy involves the application of deep, direct pressure to specific trigger points (muscle knots).

However, trigger point massage tools can be used to cover both techniques. Sometimes, you might move relatively lightly over a large area of painful muscle tissue. At other times, you might work with your trigger point massager using a deep tissue massage technique to target a stubborn knot. (For example, massage balls are a great trigger point tool for working into muscle knots).

[Find out more about the benefits of massage in “7 Incredible Trigger Point Massage Benefits”].

Best trigger point therapy tools-Elly using trigger point ball on glute muscle

The best at-home tools for myofascial release therapy

There are many great tools that can be used for fascia release at home. They all have their merits, and often, it will be a matter of personal preference as to which tool(s) you adopt. Some tools are better for working into specific areas of the body. Others are especially lightweight and portable. In fact, all of them can be considered as small equipment. No matter which tool(s) you choose, they’re not going to take up a whole corner of your living room!

Myofascial release tools provide a solution for releasing muscle tension throughout your entire body. They’re a very worthwhile consideration for acute muscle soreness in active individuals and also for those who experience chronic pain.

As a highly experienced former fitness professional, I’ve been using myofascial release tools to treat myofascial pain and aid in recovery from workouts for many years. Here are some of my top recommendations so you can choose the best recovery tool for you.

Trigger point release-half sized foam rollers

1. Trigger point massage balls

A trigger point massage ball is one of the simplest physical therapy tools on the market and also one of my all-time favorites. As a full-time traveler, this trigger point tool has traveled with me everywhere. It’s a small yet very mighty recovery tool!

Like most trigger point tools, a simple massage ball can be used on muscle groups all over the body. I find it an effective massage tool for stubborn muscle knots because it’s easy (okay, but not exactly painless) to apply high amounts of pressure using your own body weight.

When you want to use less pressure, there are different techniques you can use that don’t use your full body weight. For example, instead of lying on the floor, you can lean into the wall with the ball on the targeted muscle area. And if you’re releasing into your calf region, you’ve got the option to keep your buttocks on the floor so that you can easily control how much pressure you put on the muscle.

Balls with spikes or grooves can also be purchased. These supposedly produce a higher shear pressure. I find the smooth ball that I use to be perfectly effective. I’ve also had spiky massage balls in the past – either will work.

A lacrosse ball can be used as an alternative to a trigger point therapy ball.

Best myofascial release tools-Elly using trigger point ball for shoulder

Best used for

Because they’re so small, massage balls are perfect to travel with or throw into any backpack. They’re also a very cost-effective option. You might already have something at home that could suffice! Massage balls are best for working on very targeted areas of the muscle – i.e., stubborn muscle knots. I love that you can use both rolling and holding techniques with this simple tool. I find they work particularly well on the calf muscles and glutes.

[Find out all about how to use massage balls in “How To Use a Trigger Point Ball Effectively”].

2. Percussion massage guns

A trigger point massage gun releases fascia and breaks up muscle knots in a gentler way than many other post-exercise muscle recovery tools on the market. They shouldn’t feel painful, and yet they’re still a very effective solution.

Percussion massage guns use vibration therapy to release fascia and work into muscle knots to improve acute muscle soreness. A percussion massager is likely to have a few different massage heads and vibration settings so that you can adjust it to feel just right for whichever area you’re working on.

For example, the Exogun massager has four different massage heads and six different vibration settings. At $169, it’s also one of the more cost-effective options on the market.

Best used for

Percussion massagers are great if you have a slightly higher budget and want a solution that will help you feel great not only after your self-massage treatment but also during it. The upper back is one area of the body that can be difficult to treat effectively on your own with a massage gun. Therefore, ensure you have a friend or family member who can help you with any hard-to-reach areas.

[Find out more about percussion massage in “Percussion In Massage With A Massage Gun | How Percussive Therapy Works”].

[Read my Exogun review here].

Get your Exogun percussion massager here. Enter the code EXOGUN-ELLY at checkout for 5% off your order.

3. Foam rollers

A foam roller is another excellent option for exercise preparation and post-exercise muscle recovery. The benefits of foam rolling are similar to those of other physical therapy tools. To gain the full effects of foam rolling, you’ll need to use your body weight effectively to release muscle tissue in major muscle groups. 

Short bouts of foam rolling (a couple of minutes at a time) can be very helpful for both workout preparation and recovery in between workouts.

Best used for

Foam rollers are a simple and fantastic tool to use on larger muscle areas in the body. Roll up and down the length of your back, your quadriceps, IT band, or into the calf region. Foam rollers are best for releasing the fascia over large areas of your body. And you can’t beat the amazing chest opening stretch you get from lying on a foam roller with your spine down the length of it.

Myofascial release tools in action-foam rolling quads

A huge selection of foam rollers

You’re spoilt for choice when it comes to options for foam roller massage. You can choose from a full-size massage roller (about 24-36 inches) or a half-size (around 12-18 inches). It’s possible to use almost all the same techniques with a short foam roller as you can with a large one.

If you want to do something like a chest opener where you lie lengthways on the foam roller, then you’ll need to use a block or similar to support your head and neck if you select a small one. The price of foam rollers varies between manufacturers, and you’ll pay more for the longer rollers.

Best myofascial release tools-full length foam roller

Try a trigger point foam roller for a deep tissue massage tool with higher shear pressure. The Trigger Point grid roller is a step beyond a regular foam roller with various raised shapes to work deeper into muscle knots. I can personally vouch for the quality of the TriggerPoint Performance Brand, which I have used myself.

[Check the latest prices on TriggerPoint Performance products at Walmart].

Myofascial release tool kits are a fantastic option for all your trigger point foam rolling needs. Vibrating foam rollers take the foam rolling experience to the next level with added vibration.

4. Massage sticks

A self-massage stick is another manual alternative to a trigger point ball or a foam roller. Like foam rollers, massage sticks are suitable for working into major muscle groups and over large muscle areas, especially in the legs.

Instead of using your body weight like you do with a ball or foam roller, you hold one end of the stick with each hand and work up and down the muscle. With massage sticks, you can easily apply different amounts of pressure by simply varying the degree of force you apply from your upper body.

Best used for

Massage sticks are a super cheap and lightweight option for myofascial release. They’re great for self-myofascial release on the legs. You can also use them effectively on other areas of the body, such as the back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and hamstrings, with a partner to help you.

5. Trigger point wands

Trigger point wands are designed to address tension and pain in the pelvic floor region. Used correctly and regularly, they can be considered a safe and effective option to help relieve pelvic pain

Ensure you see a pelvic floor specialist or women’s health physiotherapist for a pelvic floor assessment and professional advice. They will also be able to show you how to use your trigger point wand safely and effectively. Interestingly, pelvic pain may be more about the brain-body connection than tight muscles or trigger points.

Best used for

Trigger point wands are used to relieve pelvic pain, so they’re a very specific type of tool.

[Find out more about pelvic floor conditions and how to strengthen your pelvic floor here].

6. Back-specific myofascial release tools

Massage canes are designed to target harder-to-reach areas of your body, especially on your back. They come in slightly different shapes. Some look similar to a cane; others have a more s-shape curve.

A massage cane breaks up muscle knots via the various knobs protruding from the cane. The shape of a massage cane gives you a good level of control when working into stubborn muscle knots.

Best used for

These types of myofascial release tools can be used all over the body, including the back, shoulders, neck, feet, and legs. Their real value comes in the ease of control they give you when you want to work into hard-to-reach muscle knots in your back and shoulders.

7. Myofascial scraping tools

Myofascial scraping is a technique that uses a small, handheld instrument to scrape over the skin and soft tissues. It might sound painful, but if done correctly, it should not cause pain. You can easily control how much pressure you apply through your hands. Sometimes, physical therapists may apply a deeper pressure to break up adhesions in the muscles.

Also known as “Gua Sha,” myofascial scraping is an East Asian healing technique traditionally used to help clear bad chi (energy) from the skin. The scraping action stimulates better circulation and blood flow, reduces inflammation, and can assist injured tissues with the healing process.

This traditional technique is now being used to address musculoskeletal pain and has been readily adopted by many physical therapists due to its effectiveness in breaking down muscle adhesions.

A small study found that Gua Sha improved microcirculation in the area of treatment and produced associated decreases in muscle pain. Overall, more studies are needed, and it is advised to consult with a qualified practitioner who is familiar with Gua Sha if you are unsure how to use the instrument correctly.

Best used for

In a musculoskeletal context, Gua Sha is best used for breaking down adhesions such as scar tissue.

8. Cold massage rollers

Cold massage rollers combine myofascial therapies and cold temperatures to take your massage rolling experience up a notch. Cryotherapy (cold therapy) can come in several forms, from cold showers to ice baths to the application of cool packs. Both heat therapy and cold therapy have been shown to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) by reducing muscle damage and pain.

Cryotherapy tools combine cryotherapy and myofascial release mechanisms to help reduce inflammation and improve post-workout recovery. The middle part is removed and cooled in the freezer, and the ball can also be used on its own if desired.

Best used for

If you enjoy the benefits of using myofascial release tools and experience relief from cold therapy, a cryotherapy tool that combines the two modalities may be worth a try.

9. Compression boots

Compression boots are another type of recovery tool designed to increase blood flow and clear muscle cell metabolites to reduce DOMS and assist in the exercise recovery process.

Some studies suggest that compression boots offer promise as a valid recovery tool option. They can also be considered for general relaxation and rejuvenation after a long day on your feet.

Best used for

If you’re looking for a workout recovery option where you can put your feet up and not have to endure the discomfort of traditional myofascial release or trigger point therapy, these might be worth a try. They are also worth considering if you want some relaxation and rejuvenation at the end of a long day on your feet.

As well as massage guns, Exogun offers their version of compression boots – the Exogun wrap.

[Click here to visit the website and enter the code EXOGUN-ELLY for 5% off your order].

Other myofascial release tools

As you’ll be aware now, there are plenty of tools available to help you tackle acute muscle soreness and improve your post-exercise muscle recovery. Here are a couple more that you might want to consider.

The CranioCradle home therapy system can be placed in various positions on the body. Cradling the head and neck can help release trigger points and relieve symptoms related to the head and neck, such as headaches and neck pain. It can also be wedged behind the upper back and a chair or placed under the lower back for back pain relief.

The PSO-Mini muscle release tool is a small deep-tissue massage tool that can target trigger points in many body areas, including the legs, glutes, shoulders, chest, and neck.

The best myofascial release tools for easing muscle tension | In conclusion

Adding one or more myofascial tools to your personal kit (and using them regularly!) can offer an effective approach to reducing muscle pain throughout the body. Myofascial release therapy can help active individuals prepare for physical activity sessions and aid in the recovery process.

Some myofascial massage tools are best used on specific areas of the body, and others may require a partner to assist with hard-to-reach areas. Others can be used easily for self-massage over the entire body or, most importantly, wherever your personal problem areas are.

There are several types of myofascial-specific physical therapy tools to choose from that can fit all budgets. Myofascial release tool kits can be a useful option to cover all your bases. Personally, I have tried most of these tools at least once. I used to use foam rollers regularly when I was working in gyms. They were my first introduction to self-massage tools.

I highly recommend TriggerPoint Performance brand. Over my many years of travel, my trigger point ball from their kit has gone everywhere with me. I’m also currently enjoying using the Exogun massager regularly.

I hope this article has provided some valuable insights about your options for self-myofascial release. Please leave any questions or comments at the bottom of the post. I’d love to hear from you.

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Elly McGuinness


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