Spring and summer are common seasons for people to want to lose weight or get their ‘beach body’ into ‘tip-top shape’. This might be so that they feel more comfortable in a swimsuit, or perhaps they just want more energy to participate in games such as beach cricket. You might even be wondering how to get a summer body in 2 weeks or how to get a summer body fast.
Of course, you want that. Instant results sound much more sexy and appealing than boring old, long-term, sustainable changes.
However, the latter are ALWAYS the ones I promote on this site as part of my holistic health and fitness philosophy.
(This post includes affiliate links for which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase)
How to get bikini body ready
If you have a body and a bikini, then you are bikini body-ready. Wearing a bikini is a matter of choice, and the confidence to do so isn’t necessarily related to how fit or toned your body is.
Perceptions vary significantly on this topic. Personally, I think that if you want to wear a bikini, then wear one. It will be your perceptions, preferences, confidence levels, and belief system that will determine your thoughts on this.
Overall, I think it’s more important to gradually make a mindset shift towards focusing on strong, fit, healthy, happy, and functional bodies rather than a “bikini-ready body.”
Over time, you can peel through the layers of societal conditioning and limiting beliefs and give yourself plenty of body-positive love. This doesn’t mean that you stop striving to reach your goals. You simply do so with a big dose of self-love thrown in along the way.

How long does it take to get a summer body?
It should be noted that a fit, strong, and lean summer body is achieved through year-round efforts. If you want to know how to get the perfect summer body fast or how to get the perfect summer body in a week, consider that “fast” may not be the best way to approach it. Think also about whether you’re ready to move beyond the yo-yo effect for a long-term change.
However, if you’ve hibernated for much of the winter, all hope is not lost! If you’re ready to take the next positive step towards improving your health and fitness, then following these tips will help to get you on track.
Before we get started, I just want to check that you are feeling well? If you’ve got a winter cold still hanging around, head over to this blog post. It has some great tips to help you feel better before the summer season. This is a crucial first step towards a strong, fit, and healthy summer body.
How to get a nice summer body
How to get a fit summer body (summarized):
- Eat nourishing foods, limit processed foods, and keep yourself hydrated
Choose whole foods (‘real’ food) and make sure you hydrate well, especially in between meals and after exercise
- Move your body by carrying out an appropriate and personalized exercise program
The best fitness plan is the one that you enjoy enough to repeat often enough to get the results you want!
- Prioritize sleep and relaxation (because this is when the u0022magicu0022 happens)
Important physiological and psychological repair (including muscle growth) happens during sleep
- Spend time with likeminded people (you’ll become more like the people you spend the most time with)
It’s easier to make healthy choices and be active when you’re hanging around other people who share the same values
1. Eat and drink well (How to get a summer body diet tips)
The simple focus for a summer body diet (and year-round diet for that matter) is plenty of water, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Supplement these with meat, eggs, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. [Check out these awesome low-carb nuts that aren’t only for those on a keto diet!]
Limit processed food as much as possible, which can contribute to a decrease in energy levels and impaired fat-burning ability.
Start by thinking about one healthy step you can take towards your ideal summer body by improving your nutrition. A piece of fruit to snack on in the morning? An extra glass of water each day? An extra vegetable added to your evening meals? Homemade instead of bought lunches?
If you’re eating amazingly well but still feel like you lack nutrients, you might want to consider giving yourself a vitamin boost. Perhaps you were sick a lot over the winter, and your energy levels are low. Find out all about IV vitamin therapy and how it could help you regain your energy levels.

Ways to use summer fruits as part of a healthy summer diet
The fruits on offer to you over the summer will vary depending on where you live. The summer months in New Zealand bring a bounty of delicious fruits. Stone fruits (apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums) are in season, melons bring a subtropical taste to the palate, and berries are in abundance.
These fruits are all as yummy (ok, so that’s subjective, but I think many will agree with me!) as they come. Therefore it’s not necessary to prepare them except for some simple chopping (e.g. watermelon or rockmelon), or leaving behind the stone in the center where necessary (hello simple summer nutrition!)
However, should you be looking for some healthy inspiration to take to a shared afternoon tea or just something extra yummy, check out these five tips for using your summer fruits:
Summer fruit smoothies
Berries or currants combined with bananas and blended with coconut water make delicious summer smoothies.
Add a little honey if it’s not sweet enough for you, and experiment with different types of fruit. Oranges and tangelos are also in season and can work well. Fruit can also be cut up and frozen, then used for the smoothie when needed – no ice required!

Nourishing frozen treats for summer
Blend your favorite fruit in a high-speed blender and pour or spoon (depending on its thickness) into ice cube trays or ice block holders. Add a toothpick to each cube if you’re using an ice cube tray, wait for them to freeze, and enjoy (not just for kids!).
You can freeze your blended fruit in a container and then eat it like ice cream. Play around with different fruit combinations – no water necessary.

Summer fruit kebabs
This is a novel and a bite-sized way to enjoy your fruit. Chop your favorite fruits into bite-sized pieces and thread them onto a skewer. If you’re using bananas, squeeze some lemon juice over them to slow the browning process before you thread them onto the skewer.
Summer breakfast ideas
Chop up any fruit and add to your morning cereal. You can go grain-free if you prefer and instead add some natural yogurt, as well as raw nuts or seeds if desired.
Cinnamon is a yummy flavor to sprinkle on top, or you can add a drizzle of maple syrup if extra sweetness is required.
Berries and currants don’t need to be chopped – they’re perfectly bite-sized already!

Innovative summer fruit ideas
Turn your rockmelon or watermelon into a fruit bowl by cutting it in half and scooping out the flesh. Chop some of the flesh up; add your other favorite fruits…then place it inside your melon bowl for an innovative fruit salad.
2. How to get a summer body: Move your body!
Find a physical activity that you love to do and repeat it often enough to get a result. Include some cardio (‘huffy puffy’) exercise as well as some resistance training (e.g., weights or body-weight exercises or a resistance-based exercise class in the gym).
This will help ensure all the body’s physical systems are getting a great workout and that you’re progressing towards increased muscle tone, energy levels, and heart and lung health.

If you want to know how to get fit for summer or how to get a summer body at home, you’ll probably want to check out my complete guide to using exercise resistance bands. It even includes two full workouts for you and could be a great next step to work towards your summer body goals.
I’ve also got a great ‘anytime, anywhere’ exercise pdf. It includes exercises for your upper body, lower body, and midsection, and it doesn’t require any equipment. You can click here to get this free full-body workout plan. There are three progression levels for each exercise so you can choose the one that suits you best.
3. How to have a summer body | Prioritize sleep and relaxation
The body repairs and burns fat when it is in a relaxed state. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize an early bedtime, ideally by 10:30 pm, to stay in line with normal circadian rhythm. Good quality sleep may be one of the most straightforward tips on how to get that summer body!
You should also plan some relaxation into your day, every day. One of the easiest ways to do this when you are busy is to stop a couple of times a day. Close your eyes and focus on ten long slow deep breaths. You can also check out this free 4-day mindfulness discovery program. You will be amazed at what effective rest and relaxation will do for your energy levels. It will help you make faster progress toward your summer body goals.
If you have trouble with sleep, find out about the factors that can affect it, and how to get better sleep. You can also check out my holistic weight loss book on Amazon, which has a whole chapter dedicated to better sleep.
4. How to get your summer body | Spend time with like-minded people
Another tip on how to get a good summer body is to spend time with people who share your values of health and fitness. It is common to adopt similar habits and lifestyles to those we spend the most time with.
So, find friends, family members, and colleagues who help inspire you. Spend more time with them and notice how your motivation to eat healthily and exercise regularly improves.
If you enjoyed this article, you might want to read this epic fitness motivation post. Also, check out all my commonly asked holistic health questions and answers (covering holistic health coaching topics such as exercise, healthy eating, weight loss, stress, and sleep).
I hope you’ve now got some great tips on how to get a nice summer body. What will your next step be towards your summer body goals? I’d love to hear about it so feel free to leave a comment below!
Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these recommended service provider links, like an insurance broker, or a travel agent, I may earn a commission – at no extra cost to you. [For my full disclosure, please see my DISCLAIMER page).
Thank you for raising this great way of losing weight, it was really helpful.
You’re welcome:-)
o.m.g this is so helpful
Glad to hear:-)
Good tips Elly for getting fitter, toned and healthier as summer approaches.
I generally lead a healthy lifestyle but as I’m getting older I’m finding it harder to stay toned. Do you think this is partly due to my age or would you say I’m not doing enough exercises that will help with muscle tone? On average how many times a week would you suggest and for how long? The age I am referring to is 60’s.
Thanks for the workout options using a resistance band.
Hi Annie! Muscle mass naturally peaks sometime around our early thirties. So from then onward it’ll be harder to build, and even maintain muscle mass. It becomes even more important to include resistance training (lifting weights, using resistance bands or doing bodyweight exercises like squats and push ups) as part of our exercise program as we get older. You’ll need to do these to a level that challenges your muscles and at the same time you need to be able to do them safely and effectively by using good technique. Certain activities of daily living will also help your muscles stay strong and toned. These include outdoor work like gardening, and taking the stairs instead of the lift.
Nutrition will also play a big role in helping you to stay as toned as possible. This includes eating lots of ‘real food’. Protein foods are especially important to help your muscle tissues repair.
Although we are fighting natural age related muscle decline as we get older, there is always opportunity to get stronger and more toned. I have met people who are well into their 70’s who are super toned and strong. Some of them are even stronger than they were in their 20’s and 30’s because they focus on this area of their health a lot more than they did back then. I know a lovely couple in their 70’s who recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, which I think is pretty amazing! They have kept themselves very strong and also look very toned compared to others in their age group.