The FIIT home workout app is a top-rated app for home workouts that you can do in your living room…or anywhere really! I’ve been in the health and fitness industry in some shape or form for the past 20 years. I’ve been a group fitness instructor and personal trainer myself. I have also tutored and mentored industry professionals, as well as presented at the National Fitness Industry Conference in New Zealand (FITEX). In my FIIT review today I’ll share my honest opinions of this workout app, as well as detailed information about what you can expect when you sign up to try it out.
(This post includes affiliate links for which I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase)
If you’re ready to jump straight to the FIIT website, click on the image below. They offer a free 14-day trial, which I’ll explain a little further soon. And if you want to get started right away, make sure you enter the promo code ELLY10 for 10% off any membership.
Otherwise, check out my full FIIT app review below.
FIIT Review | Overview of the FIIT fitness app
With over 600 fitness classes and 20 training plans, the FIIT training app offers a huge variety when it comes to your home workouts. They’re adding new classes all the time, so it’s highly unlikely you’re going to get bored of the selection on offer. You can certainly try a new class (or multiple classes) every week if you choose.
From strength and cardio classes to mind-body style sessions such as yoga, and stretching, there are workouts to suit all fitness goals. Better still, they’ve got you sorted when it comes to your weekly training plan. You can select your own classes depending on how you’re feeling each day, or you can follow one of their recommended programs, based on your goals.
As a degree-qualified and highly experienced industry professional, I can honestly say that all the classes I did over my 14-day trial were “gold standard”. Every instructor was world-class with their exercise technique, motivation, cueing, and exercise modifications.
In the next part of my FIIT review, I’ll share a little about the sign-up process for these excellent fitness classes.

FIIT Review | Getting started
FIIT app free 14-day trial and payment options
I signed up for the FIIT app using Google Play for my Android device. FIIT is also available on iOS. The first thing you should know about the 14-day trial is that you will need to select a membership plan (monthly, quarterly, or annual).
So yes, it is free for 14 days, but it will start charging you after that. If you decide that you don’t want to continue beyond the 14 days, you can cancel sometime during the 14 days. You’ll still get to complete your trial period, and then the app will stop working after that.
My intention was always simply to try this app and review it for you, so I canceled before I was charged. I contacted the FIIT team via the app and asked to cancel it. Within a couple of hours, I received a confirmation inside the app and to my email that I would not be billed.
Hopefully, if you’re reading this, you’re actually researching your best options for home workout apps. Once you try the amazing fitness classes on offer and decide you want to continue, you won’t need to do anything else in terms of payment.

FIIT app pricing options
When you sign up for your free trial, you’ll see that the price ranges from 120£ for the annual membership to 20£ if you prefer to pay monthly. Yes, it’s a higher price point than many fitness apps on the market, but in my professional opinion, it’s highly worth it for the professionalism, customization, and more.
Note that you don’t have to be in the UK or have a UK bank account to use this app. They’ll convert it to your currency.
Jump to your free 14-day trial here, and remember to enter the promo code ELLY10 for 10% off any membership. Or, read the next part of my FIIT review to find out how to customize the app to suit your level and goals.
FIIT review | Personalizing your experience
The FIIT home workout app is not a personal trainer or health and fitness coach, so it won’t offer a completely personalized experience and plan. However, as far as home workout apps go, it does really well on this front.
The app will ask you some basic questions to help personalize your experience. These include gender, your main fitness goal, and your experience level. The screenshots I took below illustrate what I mean.

Choosing your workout level
The app defines “difficulty level” based on the frequency you currently workout. I first chose “advanced” because I work out most days. However, workout frequency doesn’t necessarily correlate with your strength or fitness level. Honestly, I don’t consider myself majorly fit or strong.
I have two young kids at home and a busy unschooling mama life. Translation: my kids are with me most of the time. I still experience regular sleep deprivation, mostly as a result of my younger daughter’s nighttime antics. Great sleep habits can be challenging for me to maintain. My strength is still nowhere near what it was pre-kids or after I had my first daughter.
I’ve been slowly and very gradually trying to regain my strength. It has been more of a postnatal recovery period, followed by an ongoing maintenance period. I do realize that the cliche is true, though. They’re only young once. Soon, I’ll be able to move into more of a “step it up phase,” where I can take my fitness to the next level again.
Don’t worry, you can modify your level!
Considering the above, I went back and changed my profile to intermediate. The app allows you to have that fluidity and adjust as you go. I’m only just getting started on high-impact activities again, and only to a very small degree. I prefer low impact, but not always low intensity. And yes, they are different!
I also like to choose what type of workout I do based on how I feel that day. My needs could range from a very gentle yoga class to a really good resistance or cardio workout. This depends on how much sleep I’ve had, how my muscles are feeling, and what my stress levels are like.
I hoped that the FIIT app would offer me the flexibility to work with the needs of my body on a day-to-day basis. And I was happy to find out that it does. You can stick with their recommended training plan for your week, OR you can simply select what you want to do, class by class.
I’m more than capable of modifying routines to suit me, but at the same time, there’s little value in doing a class that’s way off what you actually need that day. So don’t worry. You will be able to find just the right mix for you once you get used to what’s on offer.
There you go, you can see a real-life photo of me working out using the FIIT app. Note that my older daughter is on the side, who often likes joining my workouts. And the younger one who just likes to loll about on the couch or climb all over me if I’m really lucky!

Balanced training plans versus DIY style
One of the main purposes of my FIIT review was to find out whether the app is helpful for the general public who wants to get fitter and stronger. I wanted to make sure that you’re going to get the help you need to find the right level and type of exercise for you.
I’m confident that the app assists with the 20 pre-designed training plans they currently have set up. Just remember, if you start a training plan and decide it’s not right for you, then just start a new one! You can go back and change your “level,” or you can pick and choose your own classes.
You’re not tied to ONLY doing the program you’ve chosen or the program that has been recommended for you. Your program might include, say, four classes per week. If you want to add extras, you can do so.
Again, I mostly prefer the DIY program design, so I can pick and choose based on what my body needs that day. But the training plans are truly awesome on a number of levels:
- They take you through a journey of progression and intention that you’re just not going to get from doing random classes
- The training plans take the thinking out of it for you
- For the general public, they offer a nice balance of training types. General programs on the FIIT app will offer you cardio, resistance, and mind-body exercise to do during your week.
A general training plan
I selected “general fitness” as my initial goal. My “tailored” plan consisted of three or four classes per week. I put “tailored” in quotation marks because, remember, an app can only personalize your experience to a certain degree. However, as I’ve mentioned, the FIIT app does a pretty good job with this.
My plan consisted of classes with different durations – 10, 25, and 40 minutes. You could choose to complete the classes in any order, so if you know you’re short on time one day, go for the 10-minute one. Conversely, choose the 40-minute one for a day when you’ve got more time available. Remember, you can always add additional classes, and you don’t have to be tied to exactly what your plan suggests.
My plan included cardio, strength, and yoga classes. This is really great for the general public because it offers a nice balance of training styles.
I generally need a good variety of short workout options. Because I’m with the kids pretty much all the time, a 40-minute workout is not usually an option for me. 10 and 25-minute classes are both doable.
I’d like to see an added level of personalization within the app where it asks what length of class you prefer. I’d be happy to do a higher frequency of shorter classes because it fits in better with my mama lifestyle.
Seeing the 40-minute class in my training plan put me off a bit until I reminded myself that I didn’t “have” to follow everything.
Further training plan options
If you love the idea of training plans, you’re in for a treat. You can opt for the FIIT 30-day plan, where the classes gradually increase in intensity along the way. You can choose a plan that is as short as two weeks or as long as 10 weeks. During my 14-day trial, the first plan recommended for me to get started was called “14 days of FIIT”.
However, you can go much more specific with your plans. Some examples include:
- The FIIT mum plans. There are four of them, which are each six weeks in duration. Start with the first one, and make gradual progressions as you work your way through the plans. That’s 24 weeks of training plans sorted for you, mama!
- Mind-body plans such as “rebalance”, “breathe” and “movement master”. I started the 14 days of rebalance, and it was great. I generally opt for mind-body classes most days as I’m really aware of the need to nurture my body at the moment. Also, these plans and classes fit nicely with the hiking and other physical activities I like to do regularly.
- A variety of cardio and resistance-focused programs to suit your goals. Whether you want to focus primarily on your abs and glutes or you want an awesome bodyweight or dumbbell program, there’s plenty here for you to choose from.
I’ll also write a quick note here to let you know that you don’t HAVE to have any special equipment to use the FIIT app. Some classes require resistance bands or dumbbells, but there are many, many more classes that don’t.
[Find out more about using resistance bands versus dumbbells for your home workouts].
There are also certain devices that you can use to unlock special features of the FIIT home workout app. However, they’re not essential, and I’ll get to those soon.
In the next section of my FIIT review, I’ll share a bit more about the general app features.

FIIT Review | General Features
After I signed up, the FIIT app reminded me of safe exercising guidelines. The instructors are also really great at doing this. They remind you to work at your own level and offer modifications for the exercises. If you find that the class is too easy, or too difficult, consider choosing a different class level next time.
After I was ready to get started, it said that anyone on FIIT could now see my profile. This included my details, stats, activity, and favorites. I wasn’t sure whether I really wanted that. I’m highly self-motivated, and I don’t need any social “proof” of what I do.
I’m also careful about the degree to which I get involved in social media. I know some people absolutely love it, which is fine and great. For me, it’s a tool that I use for very specific things, including my business and connecting with friends and like-minded groups.
You can adjust your privacy settings on the FIIT app
I noticed there was a button where I could go to privacy settings, so I went there. Here I could change any of my profile details, activity (i.e., goal, class, and training plan history), favorites (i.e., classes and trainers), and follower settings from public to private.
In the end, I decided to leave all my details public. This is because I intend to review the FIIT app, and it might be helpful for people to look at my profile when they’re deciding whether to invest in a FIIT membership.

FIIT app challenges
On the next page, I noticed that there are different challenges available for those who really want to step things up.
The first one I saw was called “Uprise 2”. It was all about completing 100 minutes of exercise in seven days. I could see there was another one starting in five days. This one told me I could earn 4k FIIT points in seven days.
I guess they award virtual trophies and things like that. However, it did say that I’d need a fitness tracker to complete Uprise 3 & 4, so I didn’t opt for those.
The uprise challenges are there for added motivation. You get social camaraderie, and the challenge gets harder as it goes on. As I said, I personally don’t need those things, but I know that’s super fun and valuable for loads of people.

Uprise 2 challenge
I joined “Uprise 2” to learn about it and because it didn’t require a fitness tracker.
When I clicked “join,” the “Uprise 2” challenge appeared on my dashboard, showing how many minutes I had completed and how many days I had left. The challenges start on specific days, so I joined after two days had passed, which meant I just had five days to get my 100 minutes in!
Of course, you can complete the challenges alongside whichever plan you’re currently doing. Under the challenge was my plan for the week, which included 3 x 25-minute classes and 1 x 10-minute class.
Jump to your free 14-day trial here, and remember to enter the promo code ELLY10 for 10% off any membership. Or, read on for more about the app features.
A clean, and easy-to-follow set-up
Under your challenges and plans are sections to:
- Find your next class
- Check out the different online studios (i.e., cardio, resistance, or mind-body)
- A section showing new classes
- Different class collections
- Trainers
When you click into one of the online studios or the class collections, it’s really easy to find the type of class you’re specifically looking for.
Honestly, I’m not a big techy person. But the app looks super clean, well set up, and easy to follow. Overall, I’m very impressed!
Outside of the home page, I can see there’s also a schedule tab where I can book live classes. My profile is there, and there is also a “tips” tab, which includes articles, tutorial videos, and help buttons. Honestly, it’s super-comprehensive and professional!
Finally, I got a confirmation email with the four classes on my “plan” as a nice reminder. The app does send out plenty of emails to let you know what’s coming up that you might be interested in (e.g. challenges and live classes).

Motivation and inspiration | Instructors and devices
The first type of class I tried was “Ignite,” which was a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) class. When I was getting started for this class, I could have also used a wearable device such as a Fitbit or one of FIIT’s trackers. That would have allowed the app to capture more data for me (e.g., HR stats).
The ignite class had fit and clearly experienced instructors who worked really well together. The instructors were really professional and gave great cues, motivation, and options. One instructor focused on beginner-intermediate level, and the other on intermediate-advanced.
I found myself somewhere in between the two levels. Or, often, I’d opt for the advanced level but move slower than the instructors, lol. Because it’s your workout, and you’ve got to work at the pace that best serves you. That way, you get a great workout AND avoid injury. The instructors clearly mentioned that, too.
These are really very professional-level instructors. I enjoyed every class I took on the FIIT app. If there are classes rated lower, I’d say it’s more a reflection of personal preference. All the ones I tried were gold-standard instructors.

Motivation and inspiration | The social side
You can also invite your friends. As I said, I wouldn’t use this side of the app. At this point, my kids are the only ones I’d be taking classes with.
I don’t need to worry about scheduling 10 or 20 minutes for a class. When I’m at home, I generally prioritize my workout time immediately before lunch or while dinner is cooking. With young kids around, I do need flexibility with my workout time, depending on how our day is panning out.
So, having something scheduled at a specific time wouldn’t usually work for me. I also like that you can pause the classes because, in all honesty, I have to do that with my kids around sometimes. You can’t pause the live classes.
However, the scheduling feature is really useful for some people, including many of my clients. That added bit of accountability can make a huge difference in exercise adherence.
FIIT Review | Extra Special Features
The FIIT home fitness app is really leading the way in mobile exercise apps and fitness trends in general. It uses gamification to help people get fitter, stronger, and healthier.
At the focal point of this are the FIIT club live leaderboard classes. During these live classes, you can compete with other FIIT app users. Participants are rated with FIIT points based on effort.
For some people, this offers a huge amount of motivation. FIIT club gives you the chance to crawl your way up the leaderboard and see your name near the top. This feature alone could just give you the motivation you need to push a heck of a lot harder than you would if you were working out on your own.
Finally, the FIIT app really offers you the chance to customize your training more than many of the other fitness apps on the market. It offers classes specially designed for runners, cyclists, desk-bound workers, and more.
Ultimately, your FIIT results are going to be up to you. But as far as home workout apps go, this one has several features to help you kick your fitness goals. You could also work with a health and fitness coach alongside your FIIT membership for all the support, accountability, and personalization needed to kick your health and fitness goals.

Devices and equipment
So, generally, I don’t like doing workouts from a small screen like my phone. However, it’s totally useful for me if I’m out in the park or something and I want to do one of my FIIT workouts.
At first, I wished there was a laptop login because I usually connect my laptop to a big screen and do workouts that way. I like to keep my phone out of reach from my kids, and of course, I want to be able to see what’s going on in the workout easily.
I was excited to discover (ok, so my tech-savvy partner helped me!) that I could do my FIIT workouts on the big screen. If you have a smart TV or a special cable, you’re sorted. I shared the screen on my Android device with the smart TV, and away I went! I’m excited to see that they also have a TV app in development.

Fitness trackers
As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need any special FIIT equipment to use the app. With a smartphone and some data or Wi-Fi, you’re good to go! However, you can unlock some special and useful FIIT app features with a compatible fitness tracker.
These devices allow the app to monitor your heart rate and calorie burn. If you purchase the FIIT device (which you can get on their website or as an in-app purchase), you can even see additional stats, such as reps.
There are many devices that are compatible with the FIIT mobile app so that you can see your live stats and monitor your progress. Some examples that allow you to see your heart rate and calories burned include MyZone, Polar H10, Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch, Garmin premium heart rate monitor (chest strap), and more.
FIIT Review | Summary
My FIIT review has probably given you an indication of how highly I rate this awesome home workout app. It’s my first full fitness app review, and I plan to bring you other fitness app reviews in the future.
Yes, I can design my own plans and programs. However, even as an industry professional, when I work out myself, I prefer to follow along with someone else a lot of the time. This offers me different combinations of exercises than I might default to if I was just doing my own thing. And I find I’m often going to work harder than I would on my own, too.
When you make a relatively small investment in an app like this, you’re making a huge investment in your health (as long as you follow through and use it, of course!). And there are so few logistics to consider compared with going to a gym.
Remember that app workouts are short workouts. Consequently, the warm-ups and cool-downs are also short. If you’re doing high-intensity workouts, be safe. It’s fine and may also be ideal to do a bit of additional warming up before you get started. Or perhaps you’ll feel you need some additional stretches at the end. Do what feels right and good for your body.
It’s time to get started with the FIIT home workout app!
I truly hope this FIIT review has been useful for you. Remember that you can jump to your free 14-day trial here. Enter the promo code ELLY10 for a 10% discount off any membership.

As always, please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. I’d love to hear from you.
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