8 Compelling Reasons To See a Naturopath

By Marianne Pierce

Your health affects your quality of life every day. It’s hard to enjoy yourself when you’re dealing with issues like chronic pain, indigestion, or unexplained illnesses. This is one of many reasons to see a naturopath.

Focusing on one aspect of our health, but ignoring all the others, is not a recipe for success. You may get impatient with your lack of results despite your best efforts, and this approach can quickly lead to burnout.

Naturopathic doctors view health through a holistic lens. This means that they consider every facet of life that affects your well-being and physical condition, from your exercise routines to your diet, and everything in between. 

But what does naturopathic treatment look like, and could it be right for you? We’re going to discuss a few important reasons to see a naturopath.

What Does A Naturopath Do?

Our bodies are not discrete limbs and organs. They are cohesive systems. Everything is connected. You can’t treat one part of your body that’s sick and expect all your other faculties to remain perfectly healthy. 

For example, consider the connection between oral health and the rest of your body. A tooth infection can lead to other health complications, like cardiovascular issues. By only treating the side effects of the infection, you will never address the root of the issue. 

With a naturopathic approach, there is less emphasis on defining your symptoms by a diagnosis. ND practitioners are more concerned with treating the side effects that you’re dealing with. 

Many naturopathic doctors are trained to treat a variety of common and complex ailments, including conditions that conventional medicines are less effective at managing.

If you’re looking for specialized treatments, you can see a naturopath with expertise about your condition. A few examples include:

  • Adrenal fatigue naturopath
  • Leaky gut naturopath
  • Weight loss naturopath
  • Anxiety naturopath
  • Endometriosis naturopath
Why go to a naturopath-mortar and pestle poultice

Reasons To See A Naturopath

You can receive healthcare services at a hospital, so why go to a naturopath? The issue with traditional approaches is when they prove to be ineffective for some patients. In these situations, patients might choose to seek out the services of a naturopath.

1. Other Traditional Medicine Treatments are Ineffective

You’ve spent years trying to improve your health, but results have been lackluster. It’s time to try something different. You’re looking for treatments that make a lasting impact on your condition. 

You may be asking yourself: can a naturopath help with anxiety? Even a condition that affects our mental health is tied to the rest of our bodies. Studies have linked gut inflammation to mental illnesses, such as anxiety. If a patient was to treat their stress with only anti-anxiety medication, it would not address underlying gastrointestinal issues. 

A digestive naturopath will look beyond any food allergies or sensitivities that you may have. They’ll identify treatments that can improve your overall digestive system. If one is showing a lack of efficacy, they’ll keep looking.

Reasons to see a naturopath-woman looking at natural medicine tincture

2. You’re Dealing with Side Effects from Conventional Treatments

Consider the experience of a patient with chronic arthritis. Each week, they are prescribed a blend of pain-relieving medications like ibuprofen or opioids. But these medications take a toll of their own on the body. At which point do the costs outweigh the benefits?

Something important to understand about alternative cancer treatments is that they aren’t designed to replace conventional medicine, such as chemotherapy. Instead, they can be used in conjunction with traditional methods. With alternative medicine, you can safely manage side effects that result from other surgeries or treatments.

3. You Want Personalized Treatment

At the doctor’s office, you might feel like one patient in a sea of hundreds. You spent a mere 15 minutes with your doctor to discuss your health concerns. How will you ever find out what’s really going on with your body during such a brief window of time? 

When you sit down with a naturopathic doctor, they will conduct a thorough interview that asks you about all aspects of your life. This includes questions like:

  • What are your current symptoms? How severe are they? How regularly do you experience them?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • What is your medical and health history? Have you been diagnosed with any conditions, syndromes, or diseases?
  • How would you describe your current mental health?
  • What do you eat in a day? Do you have any allergies?

These are just a few of the questions you may be asked by a certified traditional naturopath.

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4. Get a New Perspective on a Chronic Issue

One drawback to traditional medicine is that it struggles to treat what it can’t diagnose. You can’t find a pill that cures brain fog. No surgery can fix unexplained indigestion, fatigue, or aches and pains. 

In your personal life, you might notice how beneficial it can be to talk to someone else about your problems. Rather than rehashing the same narrative in your own head, you can hear about how someone else views the issue.

It helps to have someone with another perspective provide their opinion on your condition. A naturopathic doctor will ask you about your symptoms; then, they’ll consider how other aspects of your life affect those experiences. Based on this information, they will identify lifestyle changes and natural treatments that can provide relief. 

5. You’re Interested in Trying Natural Treatments

One of the main focuses in naturopathy is providing patients with less toxic treatments. Drugs intended to treat specific symptoms can, in some cases, end up doing more harm than good. The side effects may begin to outweigh their benefits.

Naturopathic treatments aim to reduce adverse effects associated with some medications. They’re also designed to be non-invasive. 

However, just because a treatment is natural does not make it safe. For example, too much vitamin A can cause migraines and nausea. Under the guidance of a naturopathic doctor, you can learn about which supplements and therapies can benefit you, and how to use them safely. 

Benefits of seeing a naturopath-bach flowers

6. It May be Covered by Your Benefits Plan

Do you receive health insurance through your place of employment? If you look up the provider’s website, you can usually find a list of the health care services that are covered under the plan. Check to see whether naturopathic treatments are listed. 

Even without a health care plan, the cost of naturopathic treatments is often significantly less than surgeries or prescription medications.

7. You Want a Long-Term Solution

A band-aid fix only offers temporary relief. If you want to cure your ailment, you need a doctor who looks beyond just treating your symptoms. 

A certified naturopath provides long-term solutions that focus on improving your day-to-day experiences for years to come. Treatment also aims to prevent the development of future diseases, which may be caused by nutritional deficiencies or a lack of physical exercise. 

Reasons to see a naturopath-lemon, orange, ginger drink

8. You Want to Make Lifestyle Changes

They say that old habits die hard. Change isn’t easy, especially when you try to tackle it on your own. Under the guidance of a naturopathic doctor, you can make lasting and impactful changes in your life. 

Your Quality Of Life Is One Of The Main Reasons To See A Naturopath

You may still be asking yourself: “Should I see a naturopath?” To answer that, consider the reasons we’ve listed above. The benefits of naturopathic medicine are plentiful.

If any of these situations apply to you, it might be worth scheduling an appointment with a local naturopathic doctor today. Doing so will begin your journey on a more holistic approach to caring for your health.

Reasons to see a naturopath-quality of life-happy woman in nature

If you’re interested in finding out more about alternative or complementary approaches to health you might enjoy reading about the amazing benefits of osteopathy, the benefits of IV vitamin therapy, and the incredible benefits of ashwagandha.

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Marianne Pierce


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