Have you ever felt like you were being pulled in two different directions at once? Perhaps you’ve faced a decision...
Our Latest Relationships Blogs
What Is Neuroplasticity?
You might have encountered the term neuroplasticity in conversations about brain health or mental fitness. But what is...
Virtual Wellness: 7 Ways to Better Health Through Online Programs, Apps and Tools
Maintaining your health is more personalized and accessible than ever before. The world of virtual wellness uses...
About Our Relationships Blog Posts
Relationships are a crucial lane in my health philosophy, The Holistic Health Highway. As an experienced holistic health coach, I know how important it is to look beyond the obvious areas of exercise and nutrition when it comes to improving your health and fitness.
What sort of relationship do you have with yourself? Are the people in your life supporting you and helping you take the next step towards achieving your goals? Or are they holding you back in some way?
These posts are all related to relationships and how they can affect your health and fitness results. When you surround yourself with people who share your desire for a fit and healthy lifestyle, it can become much easier to create healthy habits.
Check out these posts to take the next step on your health and fitness journey.
More Relationships Blogs
Opening Minds: Contemporary Approaches To Mental Wellbeing
Mental health is affected by psychology, social environment, biological factors, and lifestyle considerations such as nutrition and exercise.
Why Use a Holistic Health Practitioner and Online Fitness Coach?
What’s the difference between online personal training and online fitness coaching? What does a holistic health practitioner do? What are the top three reasons to use an online holistic health and fitness coach? Find out the answers to all these questions in this blog post.
How to use a holistic weight loss approach for long term success
There are many conflicting views in the world of health, fitness and wellbeing regarding the best ways to ‘burn fat’ or ‘lose weight’.
How to have more energy, in 6 steps
Do you regularly feel low on energy? It’s a tough place to be if a fit and healthy body is your goal. Check out these six simple steps to awesome energy levels.
Our Home Birth Story
Three and a half years on from the birth our my daughter, I’ve decided to share our home birth story. I wrote it soon after the event, without much idea that I would share it down the track. Mostly, I wanted to capture the experience, and I’m glad I did.
The Best Winter Wellness Tips
Here are some winter wellness tips to help you get through the last of your ills and chills, and come out feeling strong and healthy for spring.
Ways to Stay Well in the Workplace | Best Workplace wellness ideas
Many careers in the modern world involve lengthy periods of sitting at a desk. Adding to this, you’ll find yourself in a similar position if you are driving to and from work, and everywhere else that you go.
Are Your Relationships Sabotaging Your Nutrition Efforts?
If you’re part of some sabotaging relationships at work, home or in your peer group, they could be having a profound effect on your nutrition choices.
Many of the challenges that new moms have around executing a postpartum exercise plan in are related to time management and being able to fit everything in.
Sustainable Weight Loss: A reality check
Do you want to know how to make your body burn fat? Or are you wondering “Why can’t I lose fat?” Maybe you want to ask “When does your body start burning fat?”